About Us

Starting as just a name and a domain, Tongue Loose has gone through many changes, from photography to music to much more...but the force joining of two loud mouths creating the site you see before you.

Tongue Loose is looking to bring reviews, the obscure and more to our readers. While we love our big Hollywood blockbusters and our celebs, we also wanted an outlet where we could showcase our biggest passion of all – London. We're incredibly passionate about the place, so much so we do not venture out of it (well Lucy doesn't).

We’ve got a good few years writing entertainment between us, so our opinions matter (jk they don't). We really like to keep things positive and truthful - unless anybody mentions embargoes, Nicholas Sparks movies or Jerry Bruckheimer – that will change things.

The professional bit. 

As many critics out there, some of the stuff that we review is provided to us for free. Any products that we receive will be noted as a PR sample (you will see * next to it). If you would like to get in contact with us please email at tongueloose (at) gmail.com

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